Daily Production Photos: 7/3/2018

Recently, we moved our production to an in-house facility located in Kansas City, Missouri. For the past few months, our engineers & production staff have been gearing up towards our full production capacity. Thanks to the impressive effort by everyone involved in the production process, we are now able to churn out more wheels per day than ever before.

The move was necessitated by an uptake in demand for our products, but also, due to the more stringent quality control processes that we have employed. Our wheels are now fully tested in a TÜV certified production & testing facility. In turn, this provides our dealers and their customers the finest aftermarket wheels possible. With evolutionary steps like the addition of standard titanium hardware and new, advanced & performance oriented wheel designs, we are taking every step to push the wheel industry to a completely new level.

Below, you will find a closer look at the daily production snaps taken in the last few weeks. This will give you a taste of the capabilities that our new production facilities posses. Alongside the production facility upgrade, our wheels are now thoroughly tested at



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